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Gynecomastia Surgery - Facts You Need to Know

Anyone who's ever Googled " man boobs" knows that there's a lot of information - and misinformation - out there about Gynecomastia surgery. So, we've compiled everything you need to know about manboob surgery into one conveniently-sized paragraph. First things first: contrary to popular belief, man boobs are not always caused by being overweight.

In fact, Gynecomastia can be caused by several factors, including hormonal imbalance, certain medications, and puberty. If you're considering surgery, it's important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to see if you're a good candidate.

The surgery itself is relatively simple: excess tissue is removed via liposuction, and in some cases, the areolar complex (the dark area around the nipple) is reduced.

While it's most commonly seen in teenage boys going through puberty, it can affect men of any age. Here's what you need to know about gynecomastia surgery.

  1. Cost

If you're considering getting gynecomastia surgery, you're probably wondering how much it will cost. Unfortunately, there's no easy answer, as the price can vary depending on several factors, such as:

  • The type of anesthesia used
  • The surgeon's experience
  • The procedure's location

That said, the average cost of gynecomastia surgery in the United States is around $4,239. So if you're looking to save some money, you may want to consider getting the procedure done abroad. 

In particular, Turkey is an excellent option, as you can get high-quality surgery at €2800 - a fraction of the price you would pay in the States.

  1. Recovery

Most people underestimate the recovery time needed after gynecomastia surgery. They think that since it's a relatively minor procedure, they'll be back to their old selves in no time. 

However, there is significant pain for the first few days following the surgery, and typically 4-6 weeks of downtime is needed to heal properly. 

You will need to take it easy and avoid strenuous activity during this time. You may also wear a compression garment to help with the swelling. Recovery times vary from person to person, so be sure to talk to your surgeon about what you can expect. And don't rush things - healing takes time, so be patient.

  1. Scarring

The surgeon makes an incision around the inferior border of the areola in most gynecomastia cases, extending slightly to each side. This is commonly referred to as a periareolar incision.

The incision site should diminish nicely over time and gradually become less noticeable as one recovers. It's vital to remember that the type of incision is evaluated on a case-by-case basis and correlates to the degree of gynecomastia.

In some instances, liposuction may be used in addition to or instead of direct removal. If your surgeon opts for liposuction, they will insert a small tube called a cannula through another small incision nearby. 

The cannula will then be used to break up and suction out fat deposits. Liposuction may also be beneficial if there is surplus skin present.

Again, your surgeon will determine whether or not liposuction is necessary. In cases with extra skin, a separate excision may need to be made along the lower half of the pectoralis muscle to remove it. 

This second incision is referred to as scar revision. Healing times for this specific procedure are typically two weeks post-op before any physical activity can resume and four weeks post-op until all swelling has dissipated.

As with any form of surgery, certain risks must be considered, such as infection, bleeding, poor wound healing, and anesthesia complications. Be sure to discuss these risks in great detail with your surgeon before any procedure.

While most people heal without any issue whatsoever and are extremely happy with their results, remember that you are still making an alteration to your body and should treat it as such by giving yourself adequate time to rest and heal afterward.

  1. Results

For the most part, patients are extremely pleased with their results post-op. Keep in mind that it may take some time for the swelling to dissipate completely and for the results to be truly visible. Sometimes, a second surgery may be needed if the patient is dissatisfied with the results. However, this is quite rare.

As long as you have realistic expectations and give yourself time to heal properly, you should be thrilled with the outcome of your surgery.

  1. Possible Side Effects and Complications of Gynecomastia Surgery

No surgery is without its risks, and gynecomastia surgery is no exception. While most patients who undergo male breast reduction surgery are happy with their results, it's important to be aware of the potential side effects and complications before deciding to go under the knife. 

One of the most common risks is an infection, which can usually be avoided by following your surgeon's post-operative instructions.

Another issue is scarring; while some scars may be barely visible, others may be more noticeable. 

Additionally, there are general surgical risks associated with any operation, such as anesthesia risks or blood clots. However, these risks are typically low; overall, gynecomastia surgery is considered safe and effective.

How Do You Know If You Have Gynecomastia?

Most guys know when they have gynecomastia. You don't have to be a rocket scientist, or even a doctor, to know when you've got man boobs. Heck, even girls can usually tell when a guy has gynecomastia.

But just in case you're not sure, here are some of the most common signs and symptoms of man boobs: 

  • Excess fat tissue around your chest area
  • A stiff noticeable nodule on your chest, the appearance of male breasts
  • A immovable mound under your nipple area 

If you're experiencing any of these things, it's time to see your doctor for an exam. Trust us, he's seen it all before and can help you figure out the next steps.

Bottom Line

If you are considering surgery to treat gynecomastia, be sure to do your research and understand all of the facts. Several different procedures are available, and not all are equally effective. 

You should also be aware of any surgical procedure's potential risks and side effects. And finally, remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to surgery. What works for one person may not be right for you. 

So take your time, research, and make an informed decision about which procedure is best for you. Have you tried our Esteem Apparel Vests? Our vests have helped many men get rid of their gynecomastia without surgery. Try them today and see the difference they can make in your life.